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Senior Life Career Opportunity


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Training hosted by Consolidated Planning in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, California, and many other states!

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About Us

At Consolidated Planning, we help people with insurance and we help change lives. We will help you start in a career that will provide freedom, flexibility, peace of  mind, and the ability to change your lifestyle.  This a great industry to be in and we have the system in place to help you develop a successful career.  Additionally, we provide a  tremendous amount of support and training to help you achieve your goals.



Compare our final expense opportunity with any other company—you will see that no one has the total sales system and complete package that we have. Our system was created for agents who want to specialize in the final expense industry, and it was designed by agents who started selling in the field, just like you. Here are just a few reasons why we believe you should partner with us to build a successful business:









  • INCENTIVES (FREE TRIPS, Rolex Club, Bonuses)




  • AND MUCH MORE.....





Strong work ethic

Winning attitude

Desire to succeed 


Team player

Willing to be mentored

Stay focused

Willing to change


No complaining

No excuses

No procrastination


Honesty & Integrity

Be Organized



Consolidated Planning Events

For more information about joining the Consolidated Planning family, contact us below or get back with the person that introduced you to this opportunity.  
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"Be disruptive in the universe.  Everyday let the universe know that you are here.  Make a difference in someone's life everyday."


~Dr. Lewis Burns Jr.

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Yvonnie O. West

My name is Yvonnie O. West.  I started with Consolidated Planning in July of 2018.  When I first got started it was a scary process for me just like it is for anyone when he or she first get started.  I even tried to leave and go pursue a Career in the Life and Health Industry.  I called Dr. Burns and told him what my plan was.  I thank GOD for Dr. Burns asking me this one simple question at that time because he was making over $25,000 a month and was willing to show me how to do the same.  He said to me “If you can get one person at this new company to show you how he or she is making over $25,000.00 a month, and is willing to show you how to do the same thing, Then Leave”.  I thought about that question over the weekend and I could not pass on an opportunity that I knew was working.  So I decided not to leave and it has been the best decision I have ever made.  To succeed in this business you must believe in it totally.

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Myreon T. Miller

I was introduced to Consolidated Planning in July 2017 by a family member who is also an agent.  I started part-time because my primary source of income was from AT&T with an income of over $100,000 per year.  I felt that I was at the peek of my income earning potential until I met Dr. Lewis Burns Jr.  He has never pushed me to leave my job, but he has always told me that I have the potential to earn more income than any job when doing this business.  I chose to leave the corporate world and pursue this business full-time in January 2020.  By April, during the peek of the pandemic, I surpassed my monthly income that I was making in my previous job.  My highest monthly income so far has been $12,552, and I give all glory to God! My freedom, flexibility, and family-time has tremendously increased and that's what I love about this business.  Charaka Cook has inspired and encouraged me every step of the way to keep pushing.  If you have a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed, you can be very successful in this business.

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Gilbert E. Morgan, Jr.

My name is Gilbert E. Morgan, Jr. I joined Consolidated Planning in May 2020. My wife, Dana Morgan, introduced me shortly after she joined the Adam’s Group. I was already a licensed agent when I joined but was still working as a Chef at The Marriott Hotel. Within weeks of joining Senior Life/Consolidated Planning, the Coronavirus Pandemic devastated the nation. The The food and Beverage industry was severely impacted and as a result, I was forced to shift gears and utilize my insurance license. I started plugging into the calls, got excited about the opportunities, and went to work.This business is truly a ministry. I have the opportunity to help families with benefits and make friends along the way. My best month of income so far is around $6,000. I will continue to share this blessing with families as I grow my business and create legacy income for my family. 

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Ben Villescas

My name is Ben Villescas and I was laid off from my job with a SC power company due to the pandemic. I had to find something quickly to put food on the table for my family. Helen recruited me and I came on with Consolidated Planning and Senior Life in May 2020. In one year I was able to replace my high 5 figure income. That’s hard to do in SC! At CP, you’re in business for yourself but not by yourself; I’m my own boss, and make my own schedule, but I have coaches and mentors to help me achieve my dreams. My highest monthly income has been $12,379. I plan on doubling that in the next two years. If you’re thinking about trying this opportunity, do it! You’ll be glad you did.

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Helen Blocker-Adams

I was introduced to Consolidated Planning by Dr. Lewis Burns, Jr. in January 2014. I got licensed and appointed with Senior Life Insurance Company and CP in October 2014.  I was intrigued by the concept of Final Expense,  time freedom and unlimited income that this business affords me. I have been an entrepreneur for over thirty years, so this was a perfect fit for me. What I like best about this business is the chance to serve families with a product they need. In addition, the ability to build a team so I can help other agents fulfil their financial dreams is a key reason I enjoy what I do. I love the mentoring, coaching and training developed by CP designed to help any agent succeed in the final expense industry. My highest income month to date has been $17,463

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Penny Mitchell

I was introduced to this business by Helen Blocker-Adams. We exchanged business information via FaceBook. I was working as a Benefits Consultant, my aim was to recruit Helen. Helen sent me to the Consolidated Planning website and asked me to listen to Dr. Burns's video with an open mind. I had no interest in selling Final Expense at all. That was it - she recruited me in 8/2018 and I went to work in 1/2019 and I am glad I did.  I joined CP because I liked the idea of focusing on one product Final Expense. Since I spent most of my time on the road, this would allow me to spend more time at home with my family. I also liked the idea of no chargebacks and financed leads.  I enjoy sharing Love and Legacy with our Seniors knowing that I am helping many families get their final wishes in order.  Best income month: $13,746. 

© 2018 by Consolidated Planning


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Consolidated Planning, 1803 Hampton St, Columbia, SC 29201 | Tel: 803-518-1083 

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